Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Our Documents are in D.C.

Hi all,
Just a quick update. After going to Harrisburg last Friday to get 11 documents "authenticated" (thanks Cathryn, Xavier, and Karl for making the trip with me), all the documents are in Washington D.C. We hired a courier to hand deliver the documents to the Vietnam Embassy, because it will cut time off the process. The courier found that we missed an authentication step with the copy of our marriage license, so he will DHL the license back to the Virgin Islands to have it signed there, then get the license signed at the U.S. State Department. Then, all the documents, including the fully authenticated marriage license, can be submitted to the Vietnam Embassy in Washington D.C. Authentication by the Vietnam Embassy will take 2-3 weeks. Then the documents will be returned to our agency and they will FINALLY be submitted to Vietnam. My next update will be to say the documents have truly been submitted!

1 comment:

Katie J said...

Hooray! Can't wait for the next update.